2021年PET口语考试流程是什么?口语考试有部分内容?PET口语考试官方详解,好多孩子比较恐惧PET口语考试,今天英普乐思小编为大家带了剑桥PET口语考试流程包括官方考试详解,需要备考PET的考试抓紧收藏。B1 Preliminary(PET) for Schools Speaking test官方详解。
The Speaking test lasts about 12 to 17 minutes.You will take the test with another student.There are two examiners but only one of them will talk to you. The examiner wil ask you questions and ask you to talk to the other candidate.口语测试大概会持续12~17分钟。你会与另外一名考生一同考试。考场总共有两名考官,但是只有其中一名会与你交谈。这位考官会问你一些问题,并要求你与另外一名考生交谈。
Part 1(2-3 minutes)第一部分(2~3分钟)
The examiner will itroduce themselves and then one examiner will ask you and your partner some questions in turn about yourself, such as your daily routines, likes and dislikes,or past experience.You will nly speak to the examiner in this part.首先,考官会做自我介绍,然后其中一名考官会对你和你的搭档(另一名考生)轮流地进行有关个人情况的提问,比如你的日常活动,个人喜好,或者个人经历等。在这一部分的测试中,你只与考官进行交谈。
You and your partner will each have a chance to talk on your own. The examiner will give you a colour photograph to look at and ask you to talk about it. The photograph will show an everyday situation.You will be given one minute to describe what you can see in the photograph.When you have finished talking, the examiner will give your partner a different photograph to look at and to talk about. 你和你的搭档(另一名考生)每个人都会有机会单独与考官交谈。考官会出示给你一张彩色的图片,并让你对图片进行描述。这张照片会展示一个日常情境。你将有一分钟的时间来描述你在照片中都看到了什么。当你的测试结束后,考官会出示给你的搭档另外一张内容完全不同的图片,并让他(她)对图片进行描述。
Part3(3 minutes)第三部分(3分钟)
You and your partner willbe given about two minutes t tak to each other. The examiner will ive you a task with pictures on i related to one situation and will ask you to discuss these activities, things or places and make a decision. You and your partner should discuss the diferent activities, things or places, sharing your ideas, making suggestions,giving reasons for your opinions, and negotiating agreement with each other.You can also ask and answer questions of each other.你和你的搭档(另一名考生)将会有两分钟的时间进行相互交谈。考官会出示给你们一些与某个情境相关的图片,并要求你们讨论这些活动、事物或地点,然后做出决定。你和你的搭档应该讨论这些不同的活动、事情或地点,分享你们的想法,提出建议,给出与你们的意见相关的理由,并最终与对方协商达成一致意见。你们也可以相互提问和回答。
Part 4(3-4 minutes)第四部分(3~4分钟)
In Part 4, the examiner illask you and your partner some questions related to the topic in Part 3.
These question will be about likes/dislikes, habits and opinions. The examiner willeither ask you to respond individually to the questions, or to discuss them with your partner.在第四部分,考官会问你和你的搭档一些与第三部分的主题相关的问题。这些问题将会是关于你喜欢/不喜欢,你的习惯和意见的。考官会要求你单独回答提问,或者要求你和你的搭档进行讨论。
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